AHO Constitution

HE ARABIAN HORSE ORGANIZATION Statutes of The Arabian Horse Organization

The Arabian pureblood horse used to played a prominent role in the Arabian life  and had been an inspiration to the then and actual Arabian literature and poetry.  Needless to say that the Arabian breed of horses is known worldwide for its  esthetic, endurance, courage and loyalty that bestowed its central position in the  world attention such that there’s no horse breed in the world which is not mixed  with such a pedigree. 

Arabian horse breed definition:

The organization approves the term “Arabian pureblood” in compliance with the  WAHO definition. 

Article one: Name and Purpose:

The Arabian Horse Organization has been incorporated in accordance with article  (60) of the Swiss civil law (hereinafter referred to as the “organization” and in  short as “AHO”). 
It’s a non-profit organization composed of official and non-official bodies and Arabian pureblood owners and raisers in any Arab country (hereinafter referred  to as the “members”) with an open membership to all the regional and  international institutions interested in Arab pureblood willing to be members. 

Article Two: Headquarters:

The headquarters of the organization shall be Geneva, Switzerland, and may open  branches and liaison offices in all other countries. 

Article three: Purposes:

The organization aims at:  
- Maintain the bequest of the Arabian pureblood. 
- Develop and encourage raising of the Arabian pureblood and its activities. - Build and train the Arabian manpower in all relevant fields. - Consolidate the vision and activities of member countries. 

Article Four: Activities of the organization:

The organization shall achieve its goals through the following among others: 4.1. Set forth the regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures of the  organization and ensure that every activity or act undertaken, sponsored or  supported by the organization in relation to the Arabian pureblood is done in  compliance with the organization’s vision and purposes.  

4.2. Organize the cultural and scientific activities relevant to the Arabian horse  breed. 
4.3. Encourage and support the activities that the organization approves and  adopts and participate in such activities. 
4.4. In general, support the interest in Arabian pureblood horse and all the related  activities in the member countries.  
4.5. Identify the raisers and owners of the Arabian pureblood on the local,  regional and international levels and provide them with relevant services. 
4.6. Publish the raising, care and taming methods of the Arabian pureblood. 
4.7. Hold training and awareness forums for the raisers, owners and other parties  interested in the Arabian pureblood. 
4.8. Hold training courses, conferences or fairs related to Arabian pureblood care  designed for the referees, care takers and riders in the member countries.  
4.9. Nourish the relationships among the raisers in the member countries and  support their relations with the other Arab and international associations.  
4.10. Organize competitions and championships, beauty defiles, speed  competitions and auctions in a number of the member countries provided that  such events comply with the rules and regulations in force in such host  countries.  
4.11. Identify and promote the Arabian purebloods of excellence in the member  countries through the media. 
4.12. Cooperate and coordinate with all the parties interested in the Arabian  purebloods.  

In addition to any relevant activity or action.  

Article Five: The Members:

5.1. Membership in the organization:
a. Active member: 
any party (authority, institutions, organization, association, office, federation…)  interested in the Arabian pureblood and forming part of the Arab countries and  contributes effectively in supporting the activities of the organization.  
b. Associate member: 
Any natural or corporate personality from the member countries or otherwise and  willing to support the activities and actions of the organization or providing  distinguished services to the Arabian pureblood may granted the honor  membership by the board of directors and for the purposes of these statutes shall  be referred to as “honorary member of the organization”. The honorary members  may take part at the general assembly without right of vote.  

5.2. Applying for membership: 
5.2.1. Applying for active membership: 
Any qualified person (as provided for in clause 5.1.a) from the non-members  Arab countries willing to adhere to the organization may submit an official  membership application duly filled out and upon review of such application by  the board of directors the membership shall be approved or rejected.  
5.2.3. The Honorary membership shall be granted by the organization as provided  for in clause 5.1.c.  

5.3. Right of vote:  
The active member is such member who settled his contributions to the  organization and for the purposes of these statutes shall be referred to as “active  member”. Every active member shall have one vote at the general assembly. The  organization shall notify the active member of his duty to settle the contribution  three (3) months prior to the due date of the annual contributions. In case of  default within one (1) month effective the date of the first notice, a second notice  shall be served and in still default persists, a third and ultimate notice shall be  served within fifteen (15) days of the second notice and if there is no response  from the member after the ultimate notice, a final period of fifteen (15) days shall  be allowed after the expiration of which the status of the membership shall be  “non-active member” and shall be considered as non-participating member. Such  member shall have no right to participate unless after one financial year effective  date of paying his contribution.  
The associate member and the honorary member shall have no right of vote.  

5.4. Loss of membership:  
The membership shall expire in the following cases:  
a. Automatically in case of dissolution or wind up of the corporate person.  b. In case of death, or loss of eligibility supported by evidence in requesting a  replacement of such member by the nominating party. 
c. Voluntarily by submitting at least a two (2) months prior written  resignation to the board of directors. 
d. By a resolution of the board of directors upon the recommendation of the  penalties commission as per clause no. 5.5 hereunder. 
Upon the termination of the membership of any member of the organization or in  case of a resignation by a member, there shall be no refund of any paid  contributions or other money or properties that he may have contributed to the  organization while being member thereto.  

5.5. Penalties commission:  
In case of any of the events leading to the termination of the membership in the  organization, the board of directors may set up a penalties commission of  independent experienced members, and for the purposes of these statutes it shall  be referred to as “penalties commission”. Upon the review conducted by the  penalties commission concerning the act of the member, a resolution of simple  majority shall be met whether to decide the termination of the member. And in  case the commission decided termination of the membership pursuant to an act  jeopardizing the reputation or the activities of the organization and upon giving  him the right of appeals and defending himself following a reasonable period of  sixty (60) days minimum to file his objection.  Based on the recommendation of the penalties commission, the board of directors  may from time to time terminate the membership of any of the members due to  any behavior or act he might have undertaken that may affect negatively the  organization or damage its purposes and interests or the Arabian pureblood. In  such case the member countries shall be notified before the decision being  published on the website of the organization.  

Article Six: Board of directors and composition:

6.1. A board of directors composed of nine (9) founding members or of any other  number as agreed upon by the general assembly to run the organization provided  that such number shall not be less than nine, and for the purposes of these statutes  it shall be referred to as “board of directors”. The mandate of the board of  directors shall be of three years and any member of the board of directors may be  reelected for consecutive periods. The board shall be composed of the following  members:   Position nationality name no. 

No Name Position Nationality
1 H.R.H. Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmed ben Abdul Aziz Al  Saud Chairman Saudi
2 Agriculture Organisation Member Egyptian
3 Mr. Ahmed Abdul Razek Member Egyptian
4 Mr. Mohamed Elharby Member Saudi
5 Dr. Hassan Al Fadail Member
6 Dr. Mohammad Mashmoom Member
7 Dr. Mohammad Al Zawyah Member
8 Member
9 Member
6.2. The board of directors appoint H.R.H. Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmed ben  Abdul Aziz Al Saud as chairman, and shall be referred to for the purposes of  these statutes “board Chairman”. 

6.3. The board of directors shall approve the statutes of the organization and  notifies the members and founding members thereof (as indicated in annex  “a”) for the purpose of approval at the first session in the general assembly of  the organization (as hereunder mentioned).

6.4. The board of directors shall hold a single meeting every year and may hold  additional meeting upon the request from the chairman of the board of  directors (as hereunder mentioned) or upon the request of half of the  members of the board of directors. 

6.5. The members of the board of directors shall appoint from their number a  chairman of the board and secretary general. And in case of absence of the  chairman of the board of directors, his representative shall be selected from  the members of the board to preside the meeting. 

6.6. The chairman of the board of directors and (please recommend) as  authorized persons to sign on behalf of the organization.  

6.7. The chairman of the board of directors shall review all press and media  releases for approval. 

Article Seven: The General Assembly:

7.1. The organization shall hold its first general assembly, hereinafter referred to  as “general assembly”, within three years of founding the organization.  Thereafter the general assembly shall meet every Gregorian year no later than  28 February of each year. The board of directors shall specify the date and  venue of the founding assembly and shall notify the members by at least two  months written notices prior to the date of the meeting. Thereafter the board  of directors shall assume the responsibility of specifying the date and venue  of any general assembly meeting and notify the members accordingly. 

7.2. The first general assembly shall be called to meet within a period not  exceeding three years of the date of foundation. The quorum for any general  assembly meeting shall be met with the presence of (51%) of the active  members. And in case of shortage the meeting shall be held within (24) hours  (for the purposes of these statutes it shall be referred to as “second meeting”)  where there shall be no quorum and the meeting shall be held with any  number of attending members provided it is not less than (3) members  otherwise the meeting shall be rescheduled within (24) hours and held with  those members attending. 

7.3. Approved resolutions of the general assembly shall be passed by the simple  majority of the attending active members. Every member holding the right to  vote may authorize in writing any other person to represent him provided  such an authorization be signed by the active member or his representative.  

7.4. In addition of the prerogatives by act of law vested to the general assembly,  it may as well hold the following prerogatives: 
7.4.1. Dissolving the board of directors at the first general assembly. 7.4.2. Elect, appoint and dismiss the board of directors (as indicated hereunder). 7.4.3. Review and approve the audited financial and final statements of the  organization. 
7.4.4. Liquidate and dissolve the organization.  
7.4.5. Appointment of a liquidator. 
7.4.6. Appoint external auditors.
7.4.7. Introduce any amendments to the statutes and internal regulations of the  organization and approve such amendments. 
7.4.8. Approving formation of committees.  

Article Eight: Authorities of the board of directors:

8.5. The board of directors shall have all the necessary authorities to enable it to  run its business and in order to set for the policies, general strategies,  regulations and internal rules. In particular the board of directors shall be  entitled to the necessary authorities to open, operate and close bank accounts,  open letters of credit, receive; pay and deposit at the bank and issue bank  guarantees, to sign all the documents, instruments and all the bank  transactions, to appoint and dismiss employees, to represent the organization  towards the government and non-government authorities in the member  countries, to represent the organization towards the local, regional and  international organizations, to represent the organization before the courts,  judicial authorities, court of grievances, labor office, higher and primary labor  dispute committees, before the commercial instruments committees, before  securities settlement committees, before all the other judicial committees,  before the arbitration and civil tribunals, before the police stations and the  commerce and industry chambers, before the private agencies, companies and  establishments of whatever nature, before the banks and all the funds and  government financing institutions of whatever nomenclature and jurisdiction  and before all the financial institutions of whatever nature, to acknowledge,  claim, appeal, defend, litigate, clear on behalf of the organization, to accept  and/or appeals, to request orders execution, to collect revenue of execution, to  appoint and dismiss legal advisers, employees and manpower and enter  contracts with them and to determine their duties and salaries, to invest the  resources of the organization to realize best returns whether in the member  countries or other countries, to purchase, sell and rent properties in the  interest of the organization and to achieve its purposes, to undertake whatever  necessary for the daily administration of the organization. The board of  directors of the organization may delegate all or part of his authorities to any  of his members, to participate in tenders, to sign on behalf of the organization  on all the contracts and agreements, documents and instruments including  without limitation creation of the articles of association of the companies in  which the organization is taking part with all the amendments of the articles  of association and other resolutions. To provide the necessary  recommendation of the internal regulations and statutes to any committee  formed for organizational purposes to the general assembly (as indicated in  article seven) for review and approval. To undertake whatever necessary  towards enter the organization in the Swiss commercial register and obtain  the registration.   The board of directors may delegate his authorities to one or more of its  members or to others in order to undertake specific measures or acts and to  revoke the authorization in full or in part.  

8.6. The board of directors may appoint or dismiss the first secretary general of  the organization and shall determine its tasks and functional duties and his  emoluments. The first executive manager may not be in office for more than  two consecutive mandates.  

8.7. The board of directors is vested with the necessary authorities to set up an  executive committee (for the purposes of these statutes shall be referred to as “executive committee”), such a committee shall be formed of three members  or other number of the members as determined by the administration of the  organization from time to time. The majority of the executive committee  members should be from the board of directors of the organization. The board  of directors shall determine the authorities and responsibilities of the  executive committee. 

8.8. The board of directors may appoint an advisory committee from the experts  and consultants of the member countries or other countries.  

8.9. The required quorum of holding the board of directors’ meeting and passing  its resolution shall be (50%) of its members. And in case of equality of votes  at any voting session the chairman shall have the casting vote.  

8.10. The board of directors shall determine the due contribution fees required  from each member for each Gregorian year.  

8.11. The board of directors shall exert its best efforts towards organizing and  promoting an Arabian competition to be held annually in one of the member  countries (for the purposes of these statutes it shall be referred to as “the  Arabian competition”. The Arabian competition shall be limited to horse  raisers of the member countries. 

8.12. In case any of the members of the board of directors had lost his legal  eligibility to conduct his assigned duties or in case the member has quitted  voluntarily, the rest of the board of directors shall be convened for a meeting  to vote on appointing a substitute member at the board of directors as the case  may be. The appointment of a substitute member to the board of directors  requires the votes of simple majority of the rest of the administration.  

Article nine: Dissolution and Liquidation of the organization:

In case of dissolving or liquidating the organization, the general assembly  shall make sure that all the amounts that may have been transferred to any  recognized organization shall be in the public interest and having similar  purposes as the organization.   In case of liquidating the organization, assets shall not be referred to the board  of directors (if not yet dissolved at that time) or to the members of the  organization and may not be used towards the interests of any of them in any way  whatsoever.  

Article Ten: Financial Resources and Utilization: Financial Year

10.1. The financial resources of the organization is composed of the following:  10.1.1. The annual fees which should be paid no later than thirty first of  September of each year.
10.1.2. Returns of the activities and actions of the organization.  10.1.3. Grants, contributions and testaments. 
10.1.4. Aids and otherwise offered by the member countries.  

10.2. The financial year of the organization starts beginning October of each  Gregorian year.  

Article Eleven: Organizational Chart

See herewith attached annex ‘a’.

Article Twelve: Applicable Laws

The organizations shall be governed by the Swiss laws.
